
Happy New Year

My second year of blogging is about to begin!

Sorry I haven't been blogging much the past, like, month. I sort of forgot I had a blog.

But yes, I'm alive.

So of course my New Year's resolution is blog more.

Y'all have a good time.



I'm in Michigan at my Grampa's funeral. I don't have much to say though, so this might be my shortest post ever.


Snow Day

Yes, it's Christmastime: we just had our first snow over here. So far we've got a foot, but it's been snowing for about fifteen hours, and its going to stop in about ten. So merry Christmas (or Hannukah or what-have-you), and don't forget to throw snowballs at people.



My cousin (http://www.tikaro.com/) came over for Thanksgiving. He's a tech enthusiast so he brought his iPhone. I'm actually starting to get used to the virtual keyboard. So anyhow, this is my first blogpost from an iPhone (the Internet on it looks amazing since, unlike other phones, it displays pages as they would appear on your computer.) But it takes a while to write stuff and I don't want to miss the post-Thanksgiving action.

See ya.


Happy Thanksgiving Eve

My Aunt Holly asked for a blog post. This one's for her.

So, the Thanksgiving season fast approaches, and one can almost smell the roasting turkey in the air. We've had a little snow over here. Of course, as soon as it began to build up, it started raining. In fact, it's still drizzling...

Anyhow, happy Thanksgiving.


I didn't have an idea what to title this post

It's 6:23 PM. Today, I went to a ski sale for about two hours, went to my friend's basketball game, rehearsed for a talent show, and now I'm at an impromptu concert in a century-old arts building. Yes, I'm a busy man.

I didn't have an idea what to title this post and what to write in it, so I decided I'd write about the fact that I didn't have an idea what to title this post and what to write in it, so I decided I'd write about the fact that I didn't have an idea what to title this post and what to write in it, so I decided I'd write about the fact that

You get the point. So, I'll title this "I didn't have an idea what to title this post."

True genius.


At The Library

I'm posting from the library. I just checked out the third book in the Bartimaeus Trilogy. They're great books. They've got all the elements of a good story: action, politics, you name it.

Tom Chapin wrote a song about libraries. It gets stuck in your head really easy.



I am never going to eat a limited-edition vanilla-flavored Tootsie Roll Midgee again. Ever.


Little Britain

I was just watching a really funny TV show called Little Britain with my homies Sam and Ari. We're listening to Sean Kingston. They're getting kind of pissed that I'm wasting my time blogging when we should be partying.

It's raining, all the nevvah...

Little Britain


Back to Normal

I haven't been blogging much the past few months, and I'm trying to get back to blogging regularly. So apologies.

Mac OSX Leopard is available for preorder! Buy now for only...129 dollars!

I have a cello lesson in a few minutes.

We bought some chickens. The roosters have been substituting for my alarm clock.



I've been pretty busy the past few weeks. So now I'm back at school. Yup. Only 177 more days of school. =(. Well, I have to go enjoy my weekend while it lasts. Bye.


Yogi Berra

I changed my quote-thing on the top of the page. Now it has a Yogi Berra-ism.

Yeah. Bye.



My first comments! Joy! Joy! Finally, publicity! I'm FAMOUS! Muahahahaha!

Excuse me. As I was saying, I have some comments now. Check them out!

Power, power, POWER!


Hi Again

Hi. I got back from Michigan yesterday, but it's 10:54 PM so I have to go to bed.



I said I wouldn't be able to go to HP7 but I found a place in mus-KEE-gin.

Also, a good word is afoot.

Afoot. Afoot. Afoot.

A foot.


Boat Names

Here are some the names we've come up with for our boat:

La Toiletta

Please don't ask about Shmw.



It's July, so I should probably post.

I'm leaving for

I have to go eat. I'll be right back.

Ahem. I'm leaving for Michigan in a few days. Calamitiously, I will be missing the midnight release of HP7.

Woe is me.



Cello Lessons

I've auditioned for taking cello lessons from Marc Johnson of the Vermeer String Quartet. He's really good, and I'll be starting in December.

We just bought a 23-foot sloop for $1500. She's pretty nice, but needs some paint on the exterior and cleaning for the cabin. Her name's the Gypsy Wind, but we'll be changing it.

Boy, is it muggy today!



Yeah, I'm going over to someone's house.


Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is in two school days! I probably won't have much time to blog over the summer, so I promise I'll post a lot during the fall.

In other news, I'm gonna miss the HP7 midnight party. I'll be on vacation.

In Michigan.




Hi guys. Sorry I haven't posted for, let's see, like two weeks.

Summer vacation is coming right up, and I have big plans. I'm gonna be going to Fiddle Camp, over to Lake Michigan (my uncle, who's my namesake, is bringing the Wii!), and sailing on our new boat. And for the few excess months I have, friends!

I just read the best book. It's on my favorite books list now.




Search on YouTube for Apocalyptica...


Olympiad (cont.)

I had the Olympiad today. It was raining pretty hard.

I didn't win anything, and it was way too cold.




I'm going to an Olympiad today. It's a sort of Greek competition for fifth graders. And I suck @$$ at everything, as usual.





As promised, I'm gonna fill you in on Funtown.

I went on Dragon's Descent, a 200-foot freefall; Excalibur, a roller coaster with two million 3-story drops; and the merry-go-round.

I also went go-cart racing.

And I ate Dippin' Dots.





Sorry I didn't post yesterday. It was my birthday, and I had a whole load of things to do.

A few things:

I'm going to Funtown-Splashtown tomorrow, so I'll fill you in on that.
NERDS ONLY: I just bought a new MTG deck. It's all about scry effects and messing with your hand. Pretty fun.




I gotta get to my cello lesson.

My birthday's tomorrow!




Rrgh. I'm playing this game called Habbo. You live in a hotel and furnish your room and hang out. But the exchange rate for buying coins to buy the so-called "furni" is A$10:H50c. So it would cost twenty #&$@ing dollars for 100c. Frankly more than I'm willing to pay.


BTW, my username is Rumbalo.




I went out to Curtis Island today. There was some pretty cool seaglass, and I got to steer on the way back. I saw a bunch of juvenile eiders hanging around, too.

Go to go.



I watched Spiderman 3 last night. Due to the fact that it was opening night, I sat in the front row on the left side between two morbidly obese people. It was good though. I liked Venom, but they could have done Sandman better.

If you're bored, go on iTunes and subscribe to the Happy Tree Friends podcast.

Don't tell your mom I told you!



In case you've never heard of 'em, devilsticks are those two rods with the thing you whack back and forth in the middle. Um, anyhow, they're really fun, and I daresay impressive. You can do some pretty cool tricks with them. One of my favorites is the Monster Flip. You can check it out on the LunaStix website (http://www.lunastix.com/moves/advanced_tricks.html#).

Also, if you want to buy some, I recommend the Wizard (also on LunaStix).

Have fun!



Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I've had a lot to do lately. Now I'm back in the flow of things, so I can write more random stuff.

My birthday's in a week.



What a day.



So how was homestarrunner.com? If you're confused, watch everything on the site. It'll all come into focus.

Yeah, so the next book in the Septimus Heap series (refer to profile) just came out. I'm disappointed so far, but I'm only a hundred pages in.

Did you know that most of the matter under your bed is made up of dead skin cells?


Homestar Runner

I wish I could write a longer post but I have things to do (namely reading). I would like to recommend a website, homestarrunner.com. It might be hard to follow, but it's good stuff.

See ya.



I suppose I should expand upon my cello playing a bit. I've been playing for about five years so far. I play classical, fiddle (like, folky-dumpers), and sometimes rock. My inspirations are AC/DC, Rushad Eggleston, and Yo-Yo Ma. You can read about more of what music I like on my profile. I take lessons with Dick Noyes, and I'm in a bunch of youth orchestras, one of which is Odeon, led by Augusto Salazar. I want to learn bass, maybe viola too.

Or the double bassoon.



Despite not using MySpace, I understand how much precious time it wastes. For instance, I just waited nearly forty minutes to use the blasted computer while Sarah looked up the MySpace profiles of her favorite country singers. No, the way to waste time writing about yourself is blogging.




Well, the sun's back. So guess what else is back!


Yes, after months of dread, there are now mosquitoes, blackflies, and (your animal, color, or piece of clothing here) flies in abundance! Do you even dare to step outside, when your chance of being eaten alive is 99.9%? Find out today!



Ah! My vacation draws to an end. Tears flow from my eyes, tears of regret and remorse. My sadness is truly complete. I weep to think of all the hours I have wasted blogging. The world is a cold, hard place, full of evil intentions. Soon I will return to my inmates at that prison of a school. I see no reason to live.




Gourmet pizza is weird. It's like gourmet hamburgers. You take a common food among slobs, and make it into some sort of $50.00 meal. Like, $@#*! off!

Anyhoo, my friend is here, and it's sunny and warm, so I'll be back,




I've been reading a Bill Bryson book, In a Sunburned Country. It's about Australia and the multitude of ways you can die there. Explorers have been reduced to drinking their own urine, young women have been gruesomely devoured by crocodiles, the box jelly has killed innocent boogie-boarders in minutes, and stones have been known to painfully destroy people. All this, of course, compels me strongly to go there.

Anyhow, the rain stopped, so PJ Time is finally over. Unfortunately, I still have nothing to do whatsoever, so I have no idea what to write about.



More PJ Time...?

When will this weather end?


PJ Time!

It's one of those days where you sit indoors, being the complete opposite of productive, in your pajamas, staring glumly at the ever-widening lake of rainwater in your backyard. Or blogging. Which, as you may have noticed, I'm doing. Right there. And there. And I was blogging right there too! However, since it's one of those days where you sit indoors, being the complete opposite of productive, in your pajamas, staring glumly at the ever-widening lake of rainwater in your backyard, I have nil to blog about. Except blogging. Blogging about blogging. That's a nice word. Blog. Blog. Blog.



Yay! I didn't forget!

There are some interesting words out there. Comfy words. I compiled a list of some of them.


That should tide you over.

So, I have been befuddled. I logged out last night, discarding blogging for a good book and a warm bed. This morning, however, I could not log in and was very vexed. Fortunately, I figured it out, so now you can read more pointless blabberings-on.

Until next time.


Woohoo! First Post!

Now, a normal person would begin by stating a bunch of information about themselves; what they like, who they like, and so on. But I am not normal! So I'll say some random orange juice. The mail-lady is fat and tall. She carries a living room on her smelly snowboard, for the pancreas of the cow is a cheesepot.

Fine. I'll be mundane. I like rocking my small, small house by groovin' wit ma cello, sailing (and consequently capsizing), reading books and Dwell mag, and blogging...I think. I just started.

More later, if I don't forget that I have a blog by tomorrow.