

My cousin (http://www.tikaro.com/) came over for Thanksgiving. He's a tech enthusiast so he brought his iPhone. I'm actually starting to get used to the virtual keyboard. So anyhow, this is my first blogpost from an iPhone (the Internet on it looks amazing since, unlike other phones, it displays pages as they would appear on your computer.) But it takes a while to write stuff and I don't want to miss the post-Thanksgiving action.

See ya.


Happy Thanksgiving Eve

My Aunt Holly asked for a blog post. This one's for her.

So, the Thanksgiving season fast approaches, and one can almost smell the roasting turkey in the air. We've had a little snow over here. Of course, as soon as it began to build up, it started raining. In fact, it's still drizzling...

Anyhow, happy Thanksgiving.


I didn't have an idea what to title this post

It's 6:23 PM. Today, I went to a ski sale for about two hours, went to my friend's basketball game, rehearsed for a talent show, and now I'm at an impromptu concert in a century-old arts building. Yes, I'm a busy man.

I didn't have an idea what to title this post and what to write in it, so I decided I'd write about the fact that I didn't have an idea what to title this post and what to write in it, so I decided I'd write about the fact that I didn't have an idea what to title this post and what to write in it, so I decided I'd write about the fact that

You get the point. So, I'll title this "I didn't have an idea what to title this post."

True genius.


At The Library

I'm posting from the library. I just checked out the third book in the Bartimaeus Trilogy. They're great books. They've got all the elements of a good story: action, politics, you name it.

Tom Chapin wrote a song about libraries. It gets stuck in your head really easy.



I am never going to eat a limited-edition vanilla-flavored Tootsie Roll Midgee again. Ever.