
King of the Hill

WHAT is funny about King of the Hill? It is not funny, sometimes offensive* and really dull. Am I missing something?

*which is okay if it's funny. See South Park.


Surprise Party

We're having a surprise party for my friend's bro. Just felt like saying that.



I just started this thing called geocaching, where you get the coordinates to a little box, program them into your GPS, stumble around in the woods for a few hours trying to line up with the coordinates, and finally find the box and write your name in a little notebook.

It sounds pointless, but it's actually pretty fun.



Last night me and my bro made hammocks outside and slept in them. After I spent half an hour* (I'm serious) getting a blanket under me, a pillow behind me, and a comforter over me, my toes were numb, there was a huge rip down the side of the sheet, and I had to go to the bathroom. So I went out to the woods, came back, and repeated the process. Then it was pretty relaxing for about two seconds until I realized my back was touching the ground.

Finally, a while later, I sort of fell asleep.

*Keep in mind this isn't a big flat hammock. It's just a sheet tied between two trees, so it sort of cocoons you.


Fifty Posts!

I just realized I've passed the fifty-post mark! Yay me!

Does anyone like the new look...?



I'm going to New York City in July! We're staying in a really cool hotel; the Hudson, I think it's called. It's cool and modern: e.g. has yellow glass doors. My dad won't let me use the minibar though ;).

We're going to MoMA, and eighth row center seats at Spamalot on Broadway, and the Statue of Liberty (which I haven't done since I was three. The whole time I was going up the stairs, I was planning my epitaph while attempting to not look down, and when I reached the top, I was too scared to look out.)

Anyhow, this means I'll hopefully have a post from NYC added to my cool posts list.



About a week ago my class at school made bridges out of toothpicks. We had to buy all the stuff, like glue and toothpicks, from our teacher. Then we had a party and tested them all out with a bucket and quarts of water. I would post a video of mine snapping in half, but I think my brother taped over it.

I have to go eat my breakfast gruel-I mean, my wonderful scrambled eggs.